
Tuesday 1 September 2015


I chose this blog post because my group and I found this mysterious insect.We worked on it and we found out what it was.The walt was to write a report on insects.I enjoyed researching because I was on google.It was hard to find an Earwig but we found it in a garden.Researching was good because my researching skills are greater than before.


Did you know that  earwigs live under piles of wood, stones or debris, they live in huge numbers of groups.They get into cracked walls and piles of grass.Earwigs live in groups.

There are more than 2000 species in Earth.Earwigs are nearly extinct.They are in the Florflicadae family.Earwigs reproduce by laying white eggs.An Earwigs original size is approximately 1 inch. Earth’s biggest Earwig was extinct.It looked like it was half spider half Earwig.

Movement And Diet
Earwigs have 6 legs.They eat huge insects such as cockroaches.They camouflage in soil and cracked walls and windows.Some Earwigs like to crawl in your ear and pinch it.
Picture from

1 comment:

  1. God report, editing and reflection Tugi! Did you think about including a glossary?


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